Training and Workshop Participation
The year 1999 was important for CWDS in this respect. CWDS was successful in linking, coordinating and facilitating the participation of different agencies (from government, NGOs and private sectors) from Nepal in the regional and international workshops and conferences. The events and participation details are given below.
CWDS was able to organize a "Regional Workshop on Organic Agriculture Standards" from 22nd to 26th March 1999 in Kathmandu-Nepal. The workshop was organized under the Asia Link Project of IIRD-India supported by EZE (Evangelische Zentralstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe) Germany. The eight (China, Japan, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri- Lanka and Vietnam) countries of Asia with 17 participants took part in the workshop.
EM Technology Training
19-23 April 1999 in Saraburi Kyusei Nature Farming Centre, Thailand
Organizer: APNAN
Participants: Mr. Bhum Lal Pandey of CWDS
Dr. Bhola Dahal of IAAS
Regional Training Workshop on Organic Farmer Centered Training
05-13 May 1999 in Galaha-Sri Lanka
Organizer: Gami Seva Sevana Ltd. under Asia Link Project of IIRD-India
Participants: Mr. S. P. Yadav of CWDS
Workshop on EM Technology
23-27 August 1999 in Saraburi Kyusei Nature Farming Centre, Thailand
Organizer: APNAN
Participants: Ms. Aishwarya Basnyat of CWDS
Mr. Naresh Ch. Ghimire of DOA
Mr. Radha Pd. Shrestha of Nepal Agro Organic Fertilizer (P) Ltd.
Dr. Rajesh Yadav of Animal Health Division
Sustainable Agriculture Training of Trainors
June 21 to July 20, 1999 in Silang-Philippines
Organizer: IIRR under SATOT project
Participants: Mr. Bhum Lal Pandey of CWDS
Sixth International Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming
28-31 October 1999 in Pretoria-South Africa
Organizer: EMRO/INFRC/APNAN and University of Pretoria
Participants: Mr. S. P. Yadav of CWDS
Dr. Kishore Serchand of NARC
Dr. Bhola K. Dahal of IAAS
4th IFOAM-Asia Scientific Conference and General Assembly
18-21 November 1999 in Tagaytay City of the Philippines
Organizer: IFOAM-Asia through CITEM (Centre for International Trade Expositions and Missions)-Philippines
Participants: Mr. S. P. Yadav of CWDS
Dr. Shubh N. Mahato of Animal Health Divison
Dr. Rajesh Yadav participated in the "Staff Exposure Visit Program" from 25th to 29th October 1999 in the Philippines. The program was organized by IIRR under the SATOT project of which CWDS is a participating organization.
© Community Welfare and Development Society
P.O. Box: 7923, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-350196, 350056 Fax: +977-1-350038
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Last updated on:   March 14, 2001